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    Bio of Pastor Craig Rosema


         One of my earlier memories, from around the age of four, was laying on a hill by our house and wondering to God why I was born in this particular time.  I tried my best to serve God according to my very limited understanding.  Mainly, at this point of my life, this involved sticking up for those being bullied and trying to make things right, but in the wrong way, physically.  As a result, I ended up being the person usually picked on. That would not have been so bad except that I saw little positive, and much negative, results from my efforts.
         Around third grade, I began reading extensively and began to understand the decision Solomon made about wisdom being most important.  Wisdom became my life from that time onward.  To a large degree during this time, I withdrew into my studies and contemplations.  I read through the storybook Bible I had at that time, but I had never yet read through the entire actual Bible.  When a Sunday School teacher told me I should read more of the Bible, I ignorantly responded that I already knew the Bible, because I did, at least the storybook version. When my teacher grilled me on the Bible, it turned out I knew it at least as well as she, and so, unfortunately, she backed off, saying, “I guess you do know your Bible.”  Well, at least as well, or as little, as most people regrettably seem to know it.  So instead, I directed most of my thoughts toward science, especially physics, philosophy and psychology.  Until, toward the end of high school, I joined up with a Christian youth organization, and one night they gave an altar call for salvation, during which I was praying for other people and so may not have been focused enough on the totality of what the speaker was saying, but what I heard was his asking anybody to come forward who wanted more out of life from God.  That resonated deeply.  Suddenly, I became deeply aware God had something much more; and I wanted it!  While I did not get my answer that night, I began praying for God to send someone to show me what this “more” was.
         Within less than a year, a friend invited me to a different type of church than I had been attending.  I think he was a bit nervous about what I was going to think, so he told me that this church would be a little different than what I was used to.  I am not sure what he thought when I replied, “I know.”  But I did.  I could tell something was going to happen.  During the praise and worship service, I could tell a prophecy was going to come forth. Shortly thereafter, a person gave a message in tongues, and another gave the interpretation.  This was what I was seeking!
         My friend showed me scriptures which indicated that as a Christian I should be operating in the miraculous, healing people and casting out demons.  Startled, I thought he had a funny Bible, but when I looked them up, I found them in my own as well!  I realized that if this was true, if we could actually live as people in “the Bible days” had lived, this was the most important discovery of my entire life.  Later, I dropped out of college to spend all my free time doing what I should have done long before, reading through the entire Bible and studying it intensely.  After that study, I was entirely convinced.  At the church I was now attending, I asked them to pray for me to have this empowering of the Holy Spirit which the Bible promises.
         Within a couple weeks, while at a prayer and praise gathering, I knew God had given me a message to speak forth.  I argued with God that I was the new kid, somebody else should give it.  Then the entire group stopped praising and praying, and just got quiet.  I still argued.  I asked God to give a confirmation and the pastor’s sister said, “Someone has a message and is not giving it!”  I surrendered.
         A couple weeks later, I again had a message, in tongues.  But I also knew the interpretation.  After I gave the message, someone else interpreted, accurately!  After that, I could never doubt the reality of God again. There were times when I was not happy with my understanding of what He was doing, but doubt Him?  Never!
         I must have always known I was called to ministry, but I also knew that without that empowerment, I could not do it, and shuddered at the thought of it.  And I still refuse to do ministry in the way many do.  As soon as I understood how to flow with the anointing and empowering of the Holy Spirit, almost the only thing that really mattered in my life was ministry.  My pastor at that time felt that I needed more experience accomplishing things in the world and while I was not sure I agreed, I went back to school, working at various jobs on the way, each of which I attempted to treat as a ministry.  When I was working at a gas station I viewed that as an opportunity to bless people with the ability to get to work and, especially, to church.
         I graduated from college with a degree in biblical studies and then from seminary with a masters degree. During these times, and later while working in various part-time positions in ministry, I held various jobs from washing dishes to running a multi-million dollar chain of Christian book stores.  I also was an adjunct instructor at a Bible college, a computer programmer, construction laborer, sales representative and then sales manager, teacher and truck driver.
         I began working in a paid ministry position in 1988.  Since then, I have worked as an associate pastor, and then as the senior pastor at a denominational church, and have now had the opportunity to set up our own non-denominational church, which I am at currently, and has finally become home.
         The one thing in my ministry which has been a consistent direction from God is to write.  I am not a natural writer; I used to avoid classes in which a large part of the requirements were papers.  But God makes even our weaknesses into strengths.  And I, and miraculously, others, have been very pleased with what God has done through these writings.  But of course, the whole church has been a part of this, helping greatly with the writing, and it is a major part of the mission of our church.
         Doing ministry has been incredibly fun.  I cannot now hardly even imagine doing anything else as the prime directive of my life.  I am exceedingly grateful to God for leading me along His path!

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